total intake

美 [ˈtoʊtl ˈɪnteɪk]英 [ˈtəʊtl ˈɪnteɪk]
  • 总摄入量
total intaketotal intake
  1. When we choose a large spoon over a smaller one , total intake jumps by 14 percent .


  2. Objective Study on the relationships between the daily total intake of fluoride and children 's dental caries .


  3. The average intake mass in given time and the total intake mass varied with the change of the growth season .


  4. The reference dose ( RfD ) of daily total intake was calculated to be 3.49 and 3.15 mg / d.


  5. Thus the dose-response relationship between the daily total intake of fluoride and the prevalence of dental caries existed in a U-shape .


  6. The total intake of organic pollutants from well water and rice by the inhabitants living in the polluted area was about four times as much as that in the control area .


  7. Objective To study the effect of food fluorine on human health in fulfilled water improving fluorosis area , and to explore the countermeasure of controling the total intake of fluorine .


  8. The study of the relation between mottled enamel and dental caries and the total intake of fluoride in middle-school and Primary-school students and primary-school students


  9. Daily total intake fluoride , coronal caries and root caties were examined from mean 46 age 120 adults and 8  ̄ 15 age 100 students in each group in 6 groups in total .


  10. The paper has discussed the correlation of senescence with following elements , such as the total intake of calorie , sugars , proteins , Lipids , lipoids , inorganic salts , trace elements , dietary nucleotides and so on .


  11. After all , previous research has shown that breakfast increases satiety14 , reduces total energy intake and sets us up to make better food choices throughout the day , likely because we start out with better breakfast options like fiber - and nutrient-dense foods .


  12. Conclusions Body weight gain is related to the total energy intake .


  13. Investigation on total fluoride intake of residents in Wuhan city


  14. Study on daily total fluoride intake for residents in brick tea fluorosis areas in China


  15. The irradiated foods made up 60.3 % of the total food intake by weight .


  16. Result : Protein and total energy intake were significant difference after nutrition management ( P < 0.001 ) .


  17. The intake of cooking oil was high , accounting for 4.92 % of total food intake .


  18. Higher prices were also associated with lower total calorie intake , lower body weight and improved insulin resistance .


  19. The other group increased their total fat intake to more than 40 percent of daily calories .


  20. your total daily intake of dietary fibre


  21. Don 't forget to count your snacks as part of your total calorie intake .


  22. BMC was significantly related to sex , length , weight , liver calcium content and total calcium intake .


  23. Results The calorie intake from dietary fat exceeded 30 % of total calorie intake ;


  24. Conclusions For DM patients , dietary intervention including total energy intake control and dietary fat intake reduction should be emphasized .


  25. The utility rates of total N intake were 0.610 and 0.471 in period ⅰ and ⅱ, respective-ly .


  26. One quarter of the children 's total energy intake came from sweets , ice cream , biscuits and soft drinks .


  27. The protein quality was comparatively satisfactory , as the intake of high quality protein accounted for 63 6 % of the total protein intake .


  28. Results The total food intake of DIO-R rats were lower than those of DIO rats ( P < 0.05 ) .


  29. Conclusion The fluoride contents of the samples and daily total fluoride intake are condign to related health standards in Wuhan residents .


  30. Some research shows that when people include nuts in their diet , total calorie intake does not increase , and appetite may actually decrease .
